Applying for Project Funding

In 2QFY19/20 the Blue Economy CRC (BE CRC) will call for Scoping Study Projects and General Projects across its five integrated user-defined research programs.

These project proposals will be developed and assessed in a two-stage process that includes an Expression of Interest (EoI) stage and a Full Project Application stage.

Blue Economy CRC (BE CRC / the Company) has created a Research Executive that includes the Research Director, the Program and Deputy Program Leaders. The Research Executive will provide guidance to project applicants to prepare EoI and full proposals which will be considered successively by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).

Those projects that secure the endorsement of those committees will be recommended to the BE CRC Board for funding.

The process described below includes the application submission, review and selection process for proposals submitted to the Blue Economy CRC (BE CRC) for funding.


Participants will be advised that the Company is calling for project proposals. In 2QFY19/20 this will occur in several ways. The Company will email the Participants’ representatives and request that the details for the calls be distributed to their respective staff and researchers, and the calls will be published on the company website.

For both the Scoping and General Project calls, applicants must submit an EoI to the Program Leaders most aligned with the focus of the project. An EoI template will be provided. The Program Leader will review the EoI to ensure it contributes to the achievement of the BE CRC’s Commonwealth Milestones.

If proposals are received that address the same or sufficiently similar topics, the Program Leader will advise participants and encourage a re-submitted collaborative EoI.

Once the appropriate approvals signatures are obtained, the Project Leader may submit their EoI by the relevant due date using the online submission portal.

EoIs (endorsed by Program leaders) will be reviewed by the Research Executive.

Applicants who have an EoI approved by the Research Executive will receive a notification to move to Step 3 and submit their full proposal.

Refer to timeline of key dates for submission dates for EOIs for Scoping Study Projects and General Projects.

Applicants with approved EoIs must complete the BE CRC Project Application template. All proposed Project Participants must contribute to and review applications in which they are involved. Advice on the development of applications may be sought from the relevant Program Leader(s) at any time.

Prior to submission of the final application, applicants are reminded to obtain final approval for signoff from their Participant delegate confirming acceptance of the final version of the project plan, the budget, proposed in-kind contributions and intellectual property rights.

Agreement on these elements will facilitate the completion of a Project Agreement should the project application be successful.

The relevant Program Leader will be required to provide signoff prior to the submission of the application online (through the company’s website / or other process as described at the time).

Once the appropriate approvals signatures are obtained and relevant supporting documentation attached the Project Leader may submit the Project Application by the relevant due date using the online submission portal.

Refer to timeline of key dates for submission dates for Full Proposals for Scoping Study Projects and General Projects.

The process for the assessment of Project Applications is as follows:

  1. Project Applications are initially considered by BE CRC Research Executive, Business Manager (BM) and CEO. Comments on Project Applications from Research Executive, BM & CEO are then provided to SAC.
  2. Project Applications considered by BE CRC SAC.
  3. For unsuccessful projects SAC will provide feedback to the respective Project Leader to provide the rationale for SAC’s decision.
  4. SAC provides recommendations to the BE CRC Board Meeting for endorsement.
  5. Subject to the Board’s endorsement the respective Project Leader will be notified of the final outcome of their proposals.
  6. The Project Leader will then liaise with the BM to complete and finalise the Project Agreement. The Project leader will be responsible for securing all Project Participant approvals and sign-offs for the Project Agreement.
  7. Upon execution of the Project Agreement funding will be released and the project can commence.

An initial payment (if required under the Project Agreement) can be made in advance, subsequent payments will be made in arrears upon the satisfactory completion of project milestones, research progress, reporting obligations.

A project can be terminated in accordance with the terms of the Project Agreement.


Projects will be ranked in accordance with the relevant assessor’s view of the project’s ability to address (in no particular order) the following criteria:

  • Compliance with application guidelines;
  • The contribution to the achievement of BE CRC Milestone outputs as defined in the Grant Agreement between the Company and the Commonwealth;
  • Scientific excellence;
  • Extent of cross-disciplinary approaches and research innovation;
  • Capability and track-record of project members;
  • Cost-effective use of a project participants in-kind (staff and non-staff) contributions;
  • Overall value for money;
  • Feasibility and risk management;
  • Alignment with end-user goals;
  • Project outputs expected.
  • The scope of opportunity for early career researcher (ECR) and higher degree by research (HDR) training;
  • Identification of utilisation agent(s) and high-level utilisation plans that consider the likelihood of successful commercialisation and the size of the market opportunity
  • Compliance with BE CRC’s expectation for inclusion, diversity and equity across the project;
  • Compliance with integrity, ethics and work health and safety (WH&S) requirements.


The terms and conditions that research providers are responsible for in this project call include:

  • Make any recommended changes to projects as reasonably requested by the BE CRC.
  • Adhere to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • Adhere to the BE CRC Data Management and Security Policy and Procedures.
  • Obtain prior approvals and secure access to required research facilities.
  • Deliver research outputs and outcomes on time and to budget.
  • Analyse and report all project data generated.
  • Identify and report all Intellectual Property (IP) and commercialisation potential.
  • Inform BE CRC of any project delays or variations required as soon as reasonably possible.


Closing Date for Expressions of Interest for Scoping Studies:
5PM AEST Friday 29 November 2019. Confirmation of your submission will be provided.

Closing Date for Expressions of Interest for General Projects:
5PM AEST Friday 14 February 2020. Confirmation of your submission will be provided.


Professor Irene Penesis

Interim Research Director
Australian Maritime College,
University of Tasmania