The Blue Economy CRC has released its first 2019-2020 Annual Report.

An excerpt from the Report….

2019 – 2020 Annual Report Executive Summary

The opportunities to grow the blue economy are vast.

Australia, with the World’s third largest Exclusive Economic Zone and New Zealand, have enormous potential to use their oceans sustainably to increase seafood and renewable energy production. Realising this potential requires moving offshore into new and more exposed high-energy operating environments requiring new production systems that can withstand both regular and extreme weather events, while being safely and economically managed. It requires new planning, regulatory and monitoring systems to encourage and support sustainable capital-intensive operations.

The Blue Economy CRC has established its research programs to address these challenges in an integrated way. This first year has seen the establishment of the company, entering into a formal agreement with 40 of the organisations that were part of the Blue Economy
CRC funding bid, establishing the Blue Economy’s governance and organisational structures and developing the first round of research projects.

The first year’s achievements of the Blue Economy CRC are detailed in our Inaugural 2019 – 2020 Annual Report.

View 2019-2020 Annual Report