Chenxuan Huang

The University of Queensland


I am Chenxuan Huang from China, currently pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Queensland. My research focuses on pioneering a groundbreaking infrastructure for offshore seaweed farming. Engaging in this project is both exhilarating and demanding, as it necessitates the development of innovative designs for seaweed platforms capable of withstanding the rigors of harsh offshore environments and have their own power supply. As I am passionate about nature and the ocean, I find immense joy in contributing to this project that merges marine engineering and aquaculture. The opportunity to explore the intersection of these fields aligns perfectly with my interests, and I am enthusiastic about the potential impact the work can have on advancing sustainable practices in seaweed cultivation.

Chenxuan Huang

Thesis Topic

Offshore Seaweed and Renewable Energy Farms: Solutions for Integration and Co-location

PhD Start Date

January 2, 2024

PhD Project Objectives

This PhD project has the potential to address a significant void in Australia’s offshore seaweed aquaculture sector, focusing on an invaluable aquatic resource with substantial commercial prospects. The project aims to construct an advanced offshore seaweed farm designed to withstand the challenges posed by strong waves during storms. Furthermore, the farm will be strategically co-located with a renewable energy production facility to ensure a sustainable and eco-friendly power supply for its operational needs.

The objective of this PhD project is to pioneer innovative solutions for the seamless integration and co-location of offshore seaweed farms and renewable energy facilities. By close collaboration between The University of Queensland and Climate Foundation Australia, this research initiative aspires to reduce capital and operational expenditures associated with sustainable seaweed cultivation in offshore settings. The goal is to yield high-value seaweed products suitable for export or domestic consumption while concurrently harnessing clean energy. This multifaceted approach not only positions seaweed cultivation as an economically viable venture but also plays a pivotal role in carbon emission mitigation.


I am Chenxuan Huang from China, currently pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Queensland. My research focuses on pioneering a groundbreaking infrastructure for offshore seaweed farming. Engaging in this project is both exhilarating and demanding, as it necessitates the development of innovative designs for seaweed platforms capable of withstanding the rigors of harsh offshore environments and have their own power supply. As I am passionate about nature and the ocean, I find immense joy in contributing to this project that merges marine engineering and aquaculture. The opportunity to explore the intersection of these fields aligns perfectly with my interests, and I am enthusiastic about the potential impact the work can have on advancing sustainable practices in seaweed cultivation.

Supervisory Team

Primary Supervisor: Chien Ming Wang

The University of Queensland

Co-Supervisor: Brian von Herzen

Climate Foundation Australia Ltd

Co-Supervisor: Huu Phu Nguyen

The University of Queensland

2024 Participants Workshop Poster

As part of the 2024 Participants Workshop, our PhD Scholars exhibited a poster on their research.