Adaptations to educational programs are necessary as relying more heavily on seafood and marine energy production will reshape the economy and training programs of the future workforce.

One of the Blue Economy CRC objectives is to educate a new generation of engineers and scientists with detailed cross-disciplinary knowledge to work in future Blue Economy industries that include sustainable aquaculture industry, offshore wind and wave energy industry, green hydrogen industry and remote and autonomous technology.

The objective of this project is to analyse and qualify the impact on graduate attributes that arise from the Blue Economy CRC research activities for educational and engagement programs at universities, researchers and practising engineers.

By engaging in this project we will create dialogues between universities, the Blue Economy CRC educational program and the (offshore) industries that will help to evaluate existing mutual benefits of large industry-university partnerships.


UTAS logo
Tassal logo
Griffith University logo
University of Queensland logo
AUT logo
University of Western Australia logo
Macquarie University logo
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment logo
Carnegie Clean Energy logo
Skretting logo
BMT logo
DNV GL logo
Echoview logo