Blue Economy Zone

Proposed Bass Strait Aquaculture Research Trial in Commonwealth Waters


The Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre is delivering a targeted research portfolio to understand challenges and opportunities for sustainable ocean economic development in Australia.

As part of this, we are proposing to establish, commission, operate, evaluate, and decommission a multi-species aquaculture research trial in the Commonwealth Waters of Bass Strait.

This research trial is fundamental to building awareness, confidence and readiness to support the governance reform required to introduce multi-species aquaculture into Commonwealth waters.


The proposed Research Trial Site is in Commonwealth waters, adjacent to Tasmanian coastal waters and approximately 12km off the coast of Burnie, Tasmania. The Trial Site is characterised by open ocean, higher energy, deeper waters and stronger currents.

Figure 1. Location of Proposed Trial site within existing MOU Fisheries Arrangements Area.

Table 1. Coordinates of Proposed trial site.

  E N Lat Long
NW 409626 5467732 40.936546964 145.926455813
SW 410251 5466838 40.944667894 145.933749403
NE 410412 5468282 40.931679776 145.935870587
SE 411038 5467389 40.939791227 145.943176841

The proposed Research Trial Site sits within a Blue Economy Zone (BEZ), which is an open ocean site for research focused aquaculture and renewable energy activities and is supported by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Commonwealth and Tasmanian governments.

The Commonwealth Government has previously consulted on a Fisheries Arrangement Area and an initial trial site in 2022.

Varied Research Trial Site coordinates to those consulted on and outlined within the 2022 MOU are proposed.

The variation provides for more suitable benthic conditions, deeper water and safer positioning of infrastructure given known sea and wind characteristics.

The broader Fisheries Arrangement Area remains the same.


The proposed trial is a three-year research program designed to test the capability of existing and new sustainable offshore/high-energy aquaculture farming systems for finfish (Tasmanian Atlantic salmon and kingfish).

The proposed trial involves commissioning a mooring grid, where two pens will be active for fin-fish production. Each active pen will stock 15,000 fish and will be farmed using a hybrid of high-energy precision farming and traditional farming.

The trial will be undertaken through partnering with industry, university and government BECRC participants, as well as technical experts on finfish aquaculture systems, while exploring opportunities for seaweed and shellfish and the potential for co-located renewable energy generation.

The objectives of the research activity include:

  • 1

    To assess the operational feasibility and suitability of open ocean aquaculture in Commonwealth waters.

  • 2

    To assess and examine the environmental conditions of the research trial site and surrounds and monitor and mitigate impacts on the environment and wildlife.

  • 3

    To assess the financial and economic viability of sustainable aquaculture in Commonwealth waters, and benefits for local economies.

  • 4

    To assess the impacts on other marine users.

  • 5

    To understand and monitor community sentiment.

  • 6

    To develop and assess models for future governance of aquaculture in Commonwealth waters, including workplace safety frameworks.

The primary outcomes & outputs of the trial include:

  • 1

    Australia’s first in-water research trial/demonstration for aquaculture in Commonwealth Waters

  • 2
    Handbook of open ocean aquaculture/Blueprint of future farms, including, but not limited to:

    • Annual Research Trial outcomes reporting (as outlined in the MOU information sharing section)
    • A synthesis of the full Research Trial findings (as outlined in the MOU information sharing section) against the Research and Operational Plan pillars
    • Compilation of best practice learnings for industry extension
    • Smart Farming database
    • An offshore/high energy farm carbon footprint assessment
    • A Health and safety framework
  • 3

    Advisory on future governance models for aquaculture in Commonwealth waters

  • 4

    Associated BECRC Research portfolio and reports and communication material

The objectives of the research activity include:

  • 1

    To assess the operational feasibility and suitability of open ocean aquaculture in Commonwealth waters.

  • 2

    To assess and examine the environmental conditions of the research trial site and surrounds and monitor and mitigate impacts on the environment and wildlife.

  • 3

    To assess the financial and economic viability of sustainable aquaculture in Commonwealth waters, and benefits for local economies.

  • 4

    To assess the impacts on other marine users.

  • 5

    To understand and monitor community sentiment.

  • 6

    To develop and assess models for future governance of aquaculture in Commonwealth waters, including workplace safety frameworks.

The primary outcomes & outputs of the trial include:

  • 1

    Australia’s first in-water research trial/demonstration for aquaculture in Commonwealth Waters

  • 2
    Handbook of open ocean aquaculture/Blueprint of future farms, including, but not limited to:

    • Annual Research Trial outcomes reporting (as outlined in the MOU information sharing section)
    • A synthesis of the full Research Trial findings (as outlined in the MOU information sharing section) against the Research and Operational Plan pillars
    • Compilation of best practice learnings for industry extension
    • Smart Farming database
    • An offshore/high energy farm carbon footprint assessment
    • A Health and safety framework
  • 3

    Advisory on future governance models for aquaculture in Commonwealth waters

  • 4

    Associated BECRC Research portfolio and reports and communication material


Proposed Trial Site Description

Proposed Trial Activity Description


Memorandum of Understanding between the Commonwealth & Tasmania

Commercial Fishing Data Assessment

Matters of National Environmental Significance – Identification and Impact Assessment

Baseline Survey of the Blue Economy Zone

Marine Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Blue Economy Zone Trial Site

Wildlife Management Plan

Biosecurity Management Plan

Waste Management Plan

Proposed Monitoring Program



You can join the conversation by:

Joining coffee drop-ins and community sessions will be held at Burnie Surf Life Saving Club, 2 North Terrace, Burnie.

  • Tuesday 3rd September: Drop-in session 9am – 3pm.

  • Friday 6th September: Drop-in session 9am – 5pm.

  • Saturday 7th September: Drop-in session 9am – 12pm.

  • Monday 16th September: Drop-in session 12pm – 6pm.

  • Tuesday 17th September: Drop-in session 9am – 5pm.

At these drop ins and community sessions, the Blue Economy CRC Project Team will offer an overview on the Research Trial, including details about the site characteristics gained from existing research, as well as the trial profile and scope. Sessions will be broken into research team led conversations in smaller groups ensuring the participants have direct access to the project team including technical, environmental and marine specialists.

This face-to-face engagement is being supported by a comprehensive online approach, making all project materials available at the Blue Economy CRC website so people who were unable to make a session could participate.

We have also written to offer briefings with Tasmanian Government identified stakeholders, in accordance with the Tasmanian Government Permit Supporting Information Guidelines For applications under s 12(ja) of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995

  • Local government (Burnie City Council)
  • Tasmanian Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
  • Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST)
  • TasPorts
  • Seafood Industry Tasmania
  • Salmon Tasmania
  • Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARFish)
  • Biosecurity Tasmania (NRE Tas)
  • NRE Tas
  • Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM))
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
  • Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA), including any peak body identified by AFMA
  • Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)

The Blue Economy CRC will also invite local boating clubs, local land and water-based recreational group/clubs and local tourism operators to meet.

These stakeholders will also be invited to participate in online industry and community sessions and webinars. These online sessions will target groups representing other ocean industries, costal tourism and local business, local government, environment, and community.

  • Online Session 1: Friday 13th September, 4pm – 5pm. Register.

  • Online Session 2: Thursday 19th September, 4pm – 5pm. Register.

This activity follows the conversation alongside the development of the research governance, regulatory and policy framework and original trial site. While we now shift to a conversation on the proposed research activity and new trial site as part of the approval processes of the proposed Research Trial, we will keep the conversation going through an ongoing engagement program throughout the three-year period of the trial to allow continuous access to the research team and findings.

Our Community Advisory Group

We are establishing a Community Advisory Group (CAG) to advise upon other user and community perspectives on the Research Trial and other ocean estate matters associated with new, emerging and transitioning ocean industries.

It will deliver a schedule of deep dives into the research (i.e. site characterisation, wildlife interactions, benthic surveys, finfish welfare, precision farming etc) and include a series of site visits as appropriate.

Membership skills and experiences being sought include:

  • Independent Chair
  • Local Council
  • Indigenous
  • Project Cultural Navigator
  • Fisheries peak
  • Recreational peak
  • Aquaculture peak
  • ENGO rep
  • BE CRC (secretariat)

  • BE CRC (The Blue Economy CRC participant Griffith University Ethics team will provide advice and ongoing evaluation).

An expression of interest process will be activated shortly.



You can provide feedback now on the proposed trial site and the proposed research activity.

Your feedback will help ensure our research reflects

To have your say:

  • Read the consultation documents.
  • Take our survey now. It includes an option to upload a written submission.
  • Submit your feedback by 5pm, 30 September 2024.

A targeted “What we heard” Consultation Report and ongoing Engagement Series will be developed that summarises the consultation and engagement activities undertaken, feedback collected, and issues received. The ‘What we heard Report’ will be provided to Commonwealth and State governments as part of the approvals process.



The proposal is open for public comment is now closed. See our EPBC Act referral (EPBC Number: 2024/09946) to read the EPBC Referral.


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