Seafood & Marine Products
Developing offshore aquaculture systems that provide viable and sustainable growth opportunities
Developing offshore aquaculture systems that provide viable and sustainable growth opportunities
Developing offshore aquaculture systems that provide viable and sustainable growth opportunities.
The Seafood and Marine Products Program will support existing industries move offshore and develop, test and evaluate innovative product, production and processing systems for a range of seafood species.
Commercialisation opportunities include novel aquaculture system designs for emerging species in collaboration with offshore engineering program, and new seafood products, as well as the development of supply chain aquaculture activities (e.g. platform-based hatcheries and processing). Identification and development of premium export products and new export markets will ensure the expectations of consumers are met.
Delivering offshore production systems for energy and aquaculture in a sustainable blue economy, through technological innovation
Milestone Output 1
Advanced understanding of- and industry-ready knowledge to improve- fish biological performance in offshore environments. This will include operational guidelines and protocols, tools (models) to compare production, policy recommendations, and environment and food safety across multiple species and tailored to offshore sites. This knowledge will be translated in the form of an online tool that lists suitable species and the likely production benefits from the adoption of advanced production approaches.
Milestone Output 2
A framework for integrating production and engineering technologies that advances overall productivity of seafood marine products. This will be in the form of a matrix that trades off the complexity of physical platforms and maximises the recovery of nutrients and nutritional material. It will also include the development of operational guidelines and protocols, policy recommendations, and a suite of information material.
Milestone Output 3
Platform to underpin the value and promotion of seafood from new aquaculture systems. This will be based on providing evidence to support operational arrangements. New species will achieve high value in the marketplace, based on attributes such as sustainability, animal welfare improvements, and nutritional value. Consumer confidence will be enhanced through certification schemes.
The following PhD Scholars are conducting their research within the Seafood & Marine Products research program.