Key Challenges for Offshore/High Energy Salmon Aquaculture Production.

In this month’s RP2 newsletter, we feature two RP2 colleagues, Dr Polly Hilder from CSIRO, one of the most experienced aquaculture researchers and practitioners in Australia and Alex Johne, who is working as a research assistant on the 2.20.002 Scoping Study Project.

Alex Johne (IMAS, University of Tasmania), provides a brief synopsis on the processes and achievements to date on the Key Challenges for Offshore/High Energy Slamon Aquaculture Production Scoping Study. Alex is currently working as part of the Scoping Study project team in the capacity of research assistant, helping with some of the organisational aspects as well as the scoping of the literature.

The aims of the Scoping Study Project were to identify knowledge gaps in offshore salmon production and to make recommendations about research priorities for future projects within Research Program 2. To ensure relevancy, both experienced aquaculture researchers and our Industry Partners have been involved in our process from the start as part of the Research Team.

For more information about his project, view the complete RP2 November newsletter or visit the Scoping Study project page.

If you have any comments or questions regarding the newsletter or information in it please feel free to contact the RP2 lead, Professor Chris Carter. 

Subscribe to the RP2 newsletter on the RP2 program page.