Peppers Resort & Spa
4th – 6th June, 2024

Please see below the full agenda for the 2024 Participants Workshop.

All plenary sessions will be held in the Peppers Ballroom on Days 1 and 2.

Individual project meetings, all-day workshops and education and training activity locations can be found in the Day 3 tab.

PhD Poster Awards

As part of the 2024 Participants Workshop, we are exhibiting our current PhD Scholars and their projects.

Their posters will be available for viewing in the Peppers foyer throughout the duration of the Workshop. Our PhDs will be available to speak to you about their research during the morning and afternoon tea breaks on Day 1 and 2.

We have provided a voting token for you. Please take the time to chat with our PhDs and vote by writing the full name of your chosen PhD on this token and place in the voting barrel where we will draw a winner and runner-up on Day 2 of the Workshop.

Please place all votes by end of lunch on Day 2.

Happy voting!